Join the largest library in the world

T@book is a culture media platform that lets people share videos and books with their friends.

Download the T@book App:

Discover and interact with books and video insights anywhere, anytime.

Do you enjoy reading your favorite books and are curious about insights from your friends?

We've got you covered

Our purpose

To find a solution to the current educational crisis. To improve literacy and fulfill the need for educational entertainment.

T@book is a culture media platform that allows users to encourage and empower others. Creators share their reading experiences through video insights and receive Pergamon coins in exchange. Our platform connects readers, creators, and the publishing industry.

Our Goals 🎯


1. Build

We aspire to build the world's largest network of book sharing and exchange between friends.


2. Expand

Our software will allow you to index, share, and expand your personal library in seconds.


3. Connect

You can buy books and watch 60-second video insights created by your friends. Or maybe listen to an audio review while you are driving.

Our Vision 💫

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Share books with your friends

Have you ever thought about being able to share your books with your friends, easily?
Maybe some peer pressure is what you need to finish that book you have been putting off.


Index your collection

You'll learn how to use Butterfly Indexing to quickly and efficiently scan your own collection in seconds.


Trade a book 😺

With a few taps, you'll be able to buy, sell, or donate your favorite books at any time.


Rewards & badges

You gain Pergamon coins and badges for everything you do in the app.


See insights from your friends

Your book search will be a lot easier if you can see what your friends think of a book and whether or not they recommend it.


Build communities

Guilds can be formed to enable you meet like-minded people and discuss educational topics.
The way you read can change everything.

T@book Guilds

Interested in Company Guilds? T@book provides a customized platform for organizations to establish communities, share educational video content, boost literacy proficiency, and improve communication skills. Strengthen collaboration, knowledge exchange, and engagement in your community with Company Guilds, while avoiding the generic social media noise.


Ștefan Vâju

Building strong teams for more than 17 years. Club Director at CEO Clubs International and founder of INTEGRIO Kids, an educational center.

Florentin Bota

10+ years of experience in software development, research and management. PhD in Computer Science.

Levente Szakacs

18+ years of expertise in the printing sector, with a focus on book production. Managing Partner of Pergamon RD.

Mihai Dăncilă

10+ year of expertise in developing business, sales and management in ITC & Telecomunication, coaching and guiding management teams in telco, call centers and IT.

Wait list

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The Wait is Over. T@book is out now.
Download the app below.

Frequently Asked Questions 💫

T@book - what is it for?

For learning about books quickly and enticingly, to find them, read them, and giving back to the community.


Is there a market for it?

Millenials are the most voracious readers, the biggest library-goers, preferring physical over digital books. Read more ➤


Why now?

Now is the 'perfect storm moment':
highest need for (printed) books ever encountered combined with user's desire to be informed through video content and increasing migration toward e-commerce.

What is Pergamon CC?

(Pergama, for the moment)
You can enjoy reading books and sharing video insights & thoughts about lectures. This could be a way of making money, not just spending money for books, because your activity on the platform will give you coins.


What is insight?

Up to 60s of video depiction of one's personal experience and feelings of a lecture


Are insights book reviews?

It can be, but in general a minute of one's time can better generate a feeling or impression of the book, rather than giving accurate descriptions.


What do T@book users think about the app?

I think that this application is one of the most useful inventions, as important as the appearance of public libraries or the use of bookmarks.

Victor Miron, Founder Cărțile pe Față